West is failed in the Ukraine war

The Ukraine conflict has wreaked havoc on Europe and other countries’ economies. Sanctions imposed on Russia have backfired, resulting in high inflation, skyrocketing prices, and negative economic growth. The sanctions have not significantly impacted Russia as projected by Western countries. In addition, the war has resulted in a massive influx of refugees into Europe. The European Union's inability to handle the refugee crisis has resulted in the rise of right-wing parties in Europe. The conflict in Ukraine has also harmed relations between Russia and the West. Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, the West has been chastised for its ineffective response. Critics argue that the West has failed to adequately support Ukraine in its battle with Russia, which has resulted in Russian advances. This brief article examines the West's failure in Ukraine, arguing that the main reason is a lack of a clear strategy and a desire to contain Russia's progress and prosperity in this unipolar world led by the United States and its western past colonial power.


The West's triple policy package—EU enlargement, NATO eastward expansion, and so-called promotion of western democracy—added fuel to a tinderbox. The crisis began in November 2013 when the Ukrainian government suspended its intentions to establish an association agreement with the European Union. Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine, rejected an important economic deal he had been negotiating with the EU and opted instead to accept a $15 billion Russian counteroffer. Protests greeted this decision on the streets of Kyiv. The demonstrators were outraged that the administration was abandoning the EU and collaborating with Russia. The Kyiv protests grew into a full-blown revolution, and the Ukrainian government was ousted in February 2014. This was a significant triumph for the demonstrators and a defeat for Russia. The new Ukrainian administration was hostile to Russia, and it was evident that the two nations were destined to clash. Russia interfered subsequently and has supported rebels ever since. When Russia took Crimea in March 2014, the crisis in Ukraine intensified. This was a significant action by Russia and a strong indication that Russia would not back down. The United States and European Union imposed sanctions on Russia in response to this annexation and they were staunch supporters of the coup.


The war in Ukraine has demonstrated that the West's foreign policy is far from successful. Since the beginning of the conflict, the United States and the European Union have supported the pro-Western government in Kyiv, but they have failed to achieve their objectives. Russia's support for rebels in the country's east has allowed it to complete most of its goals. Since 2014, the Ukrainian government has been unable to put down the insurrection in the east, and the fighting continues. Over 5,000 individuals have been killed, and over a million have been displaced. The United States and its allies failed to achieve their objectives because they attempted to force their will on the country. They have utterly failed to coerce Russia to retreat. Russia, the largest country in the world, contains more than 30 per cent of the world's natural resources. Since its imperial days, Russia has been both a global and regional force. Throughout the bulk of the Soviet era, Russia was one of the two superpowers. It is clear that the West miscalculated and underestimated Russia.


Current situation indicates that neither the sanctions nor the minimal military support have effectively halted Russian advances. Consequently, the fighting has persisted, and Ukraine has been unable to reclaim east control. Several factors contributed to the West's failure in Ukraine. I contend that the primary cause is the absence of a defined approach. The western approach was completely wrong. As a result of failing to build a coherent plan to address the crisis, the West has been unable to make a significant difference. The fact that the fight is occurring in a region of little strategic importance to the West is another factor for the West's failure. The West is unwilling to become embroiled in a protracted confrontation in Ukraine, and as a result, Ukraine has not received the necessary support. The West has ultimately been hampered by its divisions. The absence of unanimity among EU and NATO member nations has precluded the West from adopting a cohesive position on the crisis. In contrast, the western narrative is entirely different. They consistently believe that Russia is doomed to collapse, and that Western power is the most potent and generally more ethical. Liberal, democratic, and supportive of the social good. Conversely, Russia is the aggressor, on the wrong side of the conflict, and the most despotic, destructive, and imperialistic party.


Putin's behaviour since 2007 was very consistent and straightforward. Ukraine, a large territory that Napoleonic France, imperial Germany, and Nazi Germany all traversed to attack Russia, is of immense strategic importance to Russia. No Russian leader would permit the entry into Ukraine of a military coalition that, until recently, was Moscow's most formidable adversary. Nor would any Russian leader stay apathetic as the West supported forming a pro-Western Ukrainian administration. Washington may disagree with Moscow's stance but must acknowledge its logic. The EU is a moderate backer of Washington's democracy, freedom of expression, and independence. They sought to punish Russia by imposing sanctions and inflicting tremendous problems for millions of people globally. Nonetheless, it is now a boomerang for the EU. It appears they have welcomed many problems. In recent weeks, there has been almost no news coverage of Ukrainian issues in the Western media. There seems to be no conflict, and Russia has already defeated the West in battle. It seems the western countries have given up on Ukraine due to the immense problems that require an immediate solution.


The sanctions have significantly affected the Russian economy no doubt, but they have failed to prevent Russia from engaging in Ukraine. On the other hand, sanctions and war in Ukraine have grave consequences for Western nations. The situation in Europe and the remainder of the world is dire. NATO and its western allies were the ones who started the battle by ignoring Russians request. None of the European countries attempted to end the conflict; instead, they exacerbated it to an unmanageable degree. Ukraine has become the battleground of the conflict between Russia and the USA. Wherever western participation has happened throughout the last decades, only destruction and hostility have resulted. This time, though, they face Russian resistance. This is neither Syria nor Iraq, nor is it Libya. This dispute involves a superpower.


Europe is undergoing significant economic difficulties at present. Since the commencement of the invasion, the worldwide price of critical goods, particularly energy, has increased dramatically. Concerns about energy and food supply security have increased internationally in the EU. Since the second half of 2021, energy prices in the EU and worldwide have risen substantially. As a result of the Ukraine conflict, the price of fuels has climbed further, prompting concerns about the energy supply security of the EU. The cost of food increases constantly. In July, eurozone inflation in June reached an all-time high of 8.9%, narrowing the gap with the United Kingdom's rate of 9.4%. However, in the United Kingdom, it has risen to 10.1% in July. To stabilise the economy, the central bank will increase interest rates. But there are no indications of peace. According to today's sky news, Russia's energy revenue has increased by 38 per cent as its Asian customers have increased their purchases in recent months while the EU has decreased its purchases from Russia. EU stated that if they did not buy, Russia would face severe economic repercussions, leading to Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine. Words appear to be free commodities, and Westerners' predictions in this situation are utterly inaccurate.

One of the primary reasons for the West's failure in Ukraine is that it has supported the wrong side. Due to corruption, the Ukrainian government has been manipulating elections and suppressing dissent. The United States and Europe have sent contradictory messages to the Ukrainian government, and their goals in Ukraine are unclear. The objectives of the United States and Europe appear to change whenever a new president or prime minister is installed in Ukraine. In addition, the West has failed to address the underlying cause of the war in Ukraine. The sanctions against Russia will fail since Europe and the United States are experiencing more significant issues. Russia's desire to maintain its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe is not the sole cause of the conflict, as its economy is quite resilient. It is also about the conflict between democracy and autocracy as political ideals. But the West must recognise that democracy is not appropriate in all circumstances. Context should be given priority for societal benefits, and society should be regulated accordingly. Western democracy is doomed to fail in many places of the world because it does not connect with the national context. The Ukrainian troubles indicate once again that western interference is frequently detrimental to the advancement of society.


The crisis in Ukraine is due to a fight for power between the West and Russia. The United States and the European Union have attempted to increase their regional influence, while Russia has sought to maintain its position. The United States and the European Union must alter their Ukraine strategy and collaborate with Russia to resolve the situation. The Ukraine war is a prime example of the West's failure on the international stage. The United States and the European Union have attempted to further their regional agendas, ignoring Russia. Consequently, the situation has gotten more complex and perilous. The EU and the United States must collaborate with Russia to find a solution acceptable to all parties. The new normal is the loss of a portion of Ukraine to Russia and the EU's ostensibly democratic allies, who are now paying the price with severe economic ramifications that will last for years.

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