Education, educator and society

When I was studying in secondary school, Sanskrit was included in the syllabus in class VIII. Now, Sanskrit is no longer taught in Bangladesh. Only two universities have a minimal teaching facility, like a museum. Many of this generation do not know that Sanskrit is probably the second oldest language in the world, which is still spoken in many countries. Like Coptic today, Sanskrit is primarily used in religious texts and Hindu ceremonies. Sanskrit is considered an ancient language in Hinduism, where it was initially used as a medium of communication and conversation by the Hindu celestial deities and then by the Indo-Aryans. Sanskrit is also widely used in Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Now, let me proceed to the primary topic of discussion.


During school Sanskrit lessons, our respected Pandit Sir recited Sanskrit verses very well. I listened to them like, mesmerised. One of the verses I have grasped very well. Not only that, but I have also been harbouring and nurturing his underlying philosophical ideas for a long time with steadfast wisdom. I believed very strongly. This verse of two lines in English is:  The king is revered in his own country, but people with intellect and education are honoured in every culture”. That is to say, academic achievement is not comparable to royal power. Because the scholarly person is shown respect throughout the entirety of the country as well as in other countries, whereas the monarch is only respected within his own state. I am aware of the reasons why these words are no longer relevant now. Brownish with a lot of fading. The phrase no longer has any relationship to its original literal meaning. On the other hand, the opposite is an abstract social philosophy and a survival dependency today. At the very least, this is one of the unchanging realities of our country’s sociopolitical and economic structure.


Education or learning was determined to be the most highly regarded among all the facets of human existence. The preservation of respect is still evident in numerous countries. A true scholar is capable of achieving this unparalleled wealth. The one who can be considered a true scholar possesses extensive knowledge and is recognised as an authority in their field. Scholarship holds a position of high esteem across society, garnering respect not only inside one’s nation but also universally across all countries worldwide. A genuine academic is perpetually commemorated by humanity, revered and esteemed for their principles. Throughout history, respected thinkers and intellectuals have garnered profound admiration. They will continue to be held in high regard by successive generations, evoking deep reverence and esteem within the collective consciousness of humanity. Prominent figures such as Socrates, Plato, Shakespeare, Pushkin, Shelley, Keats, Vidyasagar, Rabindranath, Nazrul, and Jasimuddin, among others, are noteworthy examples. Even in the posthumous state, individuals serve as guiding lights while society endeavours to devise remedies for resolving many societal predicaments.


However, the prestige associated with a monarch is typically confined to their respective nation. Who will demonstrate deference to the monarch in foreign countries? The prevailing political practices inside a given state solely determine the scope of its limitations. The king’s authority is limited to his domain, while the pandit’s authority extends beyond boundaries. What number of monarchs have held the title of king throughout history? However, who ensures that they are kept updated? Following their demise, the monarchs assumed their positions in the annals of history. Pandit Sir expressed a firm belief in the superiority of a single scholar over a multitude of fools.


However, in the present circumstances, does this hold any significance? Historically, education and educators have been highly regarded by society. The term “teacher” refers to an individual who holds a position of authority and imparts knowledge or skills to others, typically in an educational setting. A teacher’s role can be considered the quintessential embodiment of altruism, as they possess a genuine affection for their students and diligently endeavour to ignite the flame of wisdom with the utmost diligence. Individuals generously contribute their time and expertise, demonstrating patience, appreciation, dedication, and integrity. A teacher might be likened to a pristine fountain that perpetually instils modesty and inspiration within your youngster.


However, there has been a decline in the level of respect afforded to teachers compared to previous times. In the past, educators like Pandit Sir commanded widespread respect due to their intellectual insight, erudition, and esteemed societal standing. In the past, a societal norm mandated the reverence of older individuals, as they were seen as sources of wisdom and agents of moral development. But contemporary circumstances have brought about a notable shift in this regard. In modern society, there is a growing recognition of the importance of affording younger individuals due respect to safeguard their own sense of dignity and shield them from the potentially oppressive and malevolent authority wielded by older generations. Many of us are now proud of the bad and foolish, becoming five-faced with adulation and sitting politely in the highest places in society because it is because of them that we are alive with house-Gersthali. Otherwise, there is apprehension about danger. The only social norm is to praise the wicked. If this is the way life is, society will never be humane.


Most of us have the name of at least one teacher associated with our lives who, at some point in our development, had a profound impact on our lives, someone who blessed us and helped shape us into the successful people we are today. But in today’s society, these teachers are bribed, humiliated and disrespected. Our paternal teachers today are oppressed by their teachers, taught on public shoelaces. There is also a precedent of a teacher being killed by a student. Where are our social values? Where is our morality? People of a nation that does not know how to respect teachers are helpless, weak and weak.


A teacher serves as a societal representative responsible for guiding moral education. In the context of a nation’s progress, the cultivation of teaching, learning, and moral values assumes paramount significance. In this regard, the pivotal role of a modest, moral, and rational educator cannot be overstated. Educators serve as the primary architects responsible for rectifying and fortifying the fundamental structure of the community. However, it lacks significance within the context of our contemporary society. Educators experience significant neglect, humiliation, and deprivation across all strata of society. The responsibility for it lies not only with the students but mostly with their parents. From a young age, individuals are often exposed to aspirations of achieving favourable outcomes, engaging in competition, and attaining economic prosperity. Contemporary society, culture, and tradition predominantly allocate recognition and admiration to individuals who have achieved celebrity status, notably encompassing actresses, reality television figures, and sports professionals, while exhibiting a propensity for venerating affluence. Individuals who achieve financial success are revered and held in high regard, regardless of their level of education, involvement in prostitution, acceptance of bribes, engagement in criminal activities such as murder or rape, or their status as repeat offenders incarcerated in a maximum-security correctional facility.


In all instances, it is only wealth that emerges victorious. The observed societal deterioration is deeply concerning. In contemporary culture, the genuine hero has been marginalised to such an extent that their presence often eludes our perception. At the same time, those individuals we encounter are typically just semblances of societal ideals. However, it is evident that every educator within our acquaintance has significantly impacted the development and progress of at least one student on multiple occasions. In my opinion, the present perspective on educators not only possesses ethical deficiencies but also has the potential to undermine the integrity of a societal framework. The potential consequences of persistently exhibiting disrespect, aggression, and mistreatment towards educators include the discouragement of promising future graduates and the erosion of societal morale.


Teachers are not only teaching students relentlessly in the classroom, but they are also taking on many responsibilities. They are sometimes educators, sometimes service givers, mentors, protectors, or givers of blessing, love and encouragement like a father or mother. Many teachers spend sleepless nights worrying about the students daily so that every student can rise to the heights of life. They are as proud as a parent of a child when celebrating achievements and as devastated and burdened as a parent at a student’s failure or any sadness. What a wonderful aesthetic social philosophy! Teachers should be the best parents of society, the great hero whose touch of blessing and light of knowledge will soften social excellence, and the generation will be as strong as a horn full of enthusiasm. Everyone should respect the teachers - because the community’s future is most secure in their hands. Behind every great inventor, philosopher, and idea in history is a teacher’s contribution. Great humanitarian leaders - from Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Ratan Tata - had a teacher’s influence in their early years and were always respectful and grateful to the teacher. I firmly believe that countless future leaders and future contributors to society will one day revere their teachers and offer their gratitude. I think I had a teacher in your past who instilled an interest in us and is the main co-fighter and benefactor of our human success today. How do you despise them?


Regardless of personal preferences, it is a fact that teachers have assumed a parental role within the realm of education since its inception. Educators exhibit a profound affection for their students akin to the love a father harbours for their offspring. Parents primarily fulfil their responsibilities within their homes’ confines, while teachers carry out their tasks within the school setting. Parents are crucial in transmitting knowledge to their children through diverse means. However, the acquisition of knowledge itself is mainly facilitated by teachers. The act of disrespecting teachers should be deemed inappropriate within societal norms. This situation deprives instructors of the respect and loyalty they are entitled to. In every religious tradition, educators have a position of utmost importance. In the initial chapter of the literary work titled “Lubabul Hadith,” Jalaluddin Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr Us-Suyuthi expounds upon a statement attributed to Allah’s Messenger. According to this account, the Prophet proclaimed, “By showing reverence to the erudite instructor, one effectively bestows honour upon me.” The individual who has honoured me has shown admiration for Allah. Then, his abode is in Heaven. In Hinduism, teachers hold a revered status akin to deities, with Lord Shiva being recognised as the Adiguru. Insulting genuine educators might be perceived as an affront to religious beliefs. We aspire to witness the establishment of a society devoid of misogyny, where the utmost reverence is shown to educators. We desire a renaissance characterised by a heightened state of awareness for him.

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