The nineteenth century, we witnessed a remarkable renaissance and a period of great wealth in Bengali literature and culture. Several exceptional individuals emerged in Bengal, whose profound social and philosophical ideas greatly influenced the artistic expression of Bengal and the self-perception of Bengalis. The remains of our ancestors lie in the rich land of Bengal. We and several successive generations have matured. We continue to value, appreciate, and adhere to these wise individuals' philosophical, social, political, and global ideals. Acquire wealth and maintain moral integrity. Bengal has been enriched with a vast literary treasure by notable figures such as Ishwar...
Posted On 01 Apr, 2024

The importance of education is immense. The need for a better education system based on the mother tongue is undeniable in building a sustainable and prosperous nation. Language is a powerful vehicle for communication. Among the countless languages of the world, the mother tongue carries special significance in individual and collective identity. Mother tongue is often deeply intertwined with the cultural heritage of an individual. Language is a powerful carrier of culture and cultural heritage, folklore and socio-family values from generation to generation. Expressing language, words, symbols, and expressions is much more than a means of communication. Language is a...
Posted On 01 Apr, 2024

A child's morality begins to develop at a very young age. Thus, the individuals closest to them are essential to their Development and upbringing. Positive parenting is critical for a child's cognitive, problem-solving, and social skills development during their developing years. Effective parenting influences a child's receptivity and aids in the child's Development. In the early phases of a child's Development, stimulation and interaction are critical. When a child is born, they know nothing. Their basic views about everything they meet in their everyday life are dependent on their parents' lessons. Suppose the child does not receive adequate parenting in...
Posted On 01 Apr, 2024

Western civilisation has a very long history. There have been many different aspects of this society that have attained exceptional levels of success over the previous two thousand years. Through numerous evolutions, refinements, additions, and transformations, society and the state have achieved a state of wealth and respectability. The relentless pursuit of Western thinkers drove the society's intellectual, social, economic, and political development. These are also well supported by the core social and religious values of medieval Western Christianity. These ideas may be traced back to ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Renaissance, reformation, progressive evolution in art, literature, education,...
Posted On 01 Apr, 2024

A life without dreams and aspirations is an impoverished life. We all need hopes, desires, and dreams as these lift our spirits and help motivate us. Dreams are not pure fantasy or not always disconnected from reality, but they can be the seeds of our endeavours and help propel us forward. People talk about "living the dream", but giving our dream life is up to us. Like a journey, it has to start somewhere, and whilst we may be uncertain about the ultimate destination or what will happen along the way, it is in the preparation and the setting off...
Posted On 01 Apr, 2024

The Teacher: Past and Present   The teacher or 'guru' role in Indian philosophy is profound and significant. In ancient traditions and philosophical systems, the concept of the teacher was not limited to teaching. Instead, the role of a teacher was to create a sacred relationship between the thirst for knowledge and the source of knowledge. Teachers' responsibilities were diverse and involved providing knowledge, directions, and encouragement for self-realisation through various means. The guru-disciple relationship was highly regarded and fundamental to ancient schooling. The Guru served as an educator and a spiritual mentor, guiding disciples to embody honesty, compassion, altruism, and strong...
Posted On 01 Apr, 2024

বাংলা, বাঙালী এবং হাজারো বছরের ইতিহাস, দর্শন, কৃষ্টি-সংস্কৃতি সমৃদ্ধ শতো শতো নদ-নদী, গিরী-শৃঙ্গের বৃত্তায়ন ঘেরা ভারতবর্ষের বাংলা ভূখন্ডের প্রবাদ পুরুষ রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর। যাঁর লিখনিতে বাংলা সাহিত্য পেয়েছে ঋজুতা, প্রান আর নান্দনিকতার ছোঁয়া। ঠাকুর ছিলেন প্রথম অ-ইউরোপীয় এবং বাঙালী  যিনি সাহিত্যে ১৯১৩ সালে নোবেল পুরস্কারে ভূষিত হয়েছিলেন। বাংলা সাহিত্যকে করেছেন বিশ্ব নন্দিত, বাঙালি নবজাগরণের মূল উদ্যোক্তা। অহিংসা মতাদর্শের মাধ্যমে রবি ঠাকুর বিংশ শতাব্দীর উন্মাদনা, সামাজিক অস্থিতিশীলতা আর রাজনেতিক দূর্বৃত্তায়ন সহ অসুস্থ এবং অশান্ত বিশ্ব পরিস্থিতিতে বিশ্ব শান্তির একটি নান্দনিক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি তৈরি করেছিলেন। যিনি বিশ্বকে উপহার দিয়েছিলেন এক বিশাল সাহিত্য ভান্ডার এবং বাংলা ভাষাকে করেছিলেন সমৃদ্ধ। এ মহান বিশ্ব কবি নিজকে আরো...
Posted On 07 Oct, 2023

Rabindranath Tagore is the proverbial man of Bengal, Bengali and thousands of years of history, philosophy, and culture, surrounded by thousands of rivers, mountains and hills. Bengali literature got the touch of straightness, vitality and aesthetics in this writing. He was a great man, a symbol of humanity, a philosopher, a messianic poet of India, a patriot, a painter, a lyricist, and a composer. Composer of national anthems of Bangladesh and India. Moreover, according to the most popular belief, the Sri Lankan composer Anand Samarakoon composed Sri Lanka's national anthem inspired and influenced by the Indian Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore....
Posted On 07 Oct, 2023

A child's morality begins to develop at a very young age. Thus, the individuals closest to them are essential to their Development and upbringing. Positive parenting is critical for a child's cognitive, problem-solving, and social skills development during their developing years. Effective parenting influences a child's receptivity and aids in the child's Development. In the early phases of a child's Development, stimulation and interaction are critical. When a child is born, they know nothing. Their basic views about everything they meet in their everyday life are dependent on their parents' lessons. Suppose the child does not receive adequate parenting in...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

It should come as no surprise that Indian food is consistently ranked among the most popular dishes enjoyed around the globe. Because of its fragrant spices as well as its watery and delicious fish charchari, Dal soup, and variety of curries, Indian cuisine has captivated the hearts and appetites of many people all over the world. Those who are familiar with Indian cuisine are aware that there is no other food that can compare to Indian food in terms of how well it satisfies their taste buds. But the Bengali food that is served among those Indian delicacies has a...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

The Western world has long been regarded as a moral leader, setting a model for other countries and cultures to emulate. This is due to the unprecedented progress of society in terms of democracy, freedom, ethics, morality, politics, economics, and the social sphere. The West has been associated with the industrial revolution, intellectual development, and social Renaissance for many years. Many non-western countries around the world have followed the moral leadership of the West to some extent in recent decades. However, as the West continues to succumb to the temptations of materialism, consumerism, and self-indulgence, this moral leadership has steadily...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

There are many different concepts of what an ideal university should be. These concepts are usually based on the philosophical beliefs of the person proposing the idea. Some believe that the ideal university should be a place where people can learn about all different subjects, while others believe that it should be a place where people can learn about a specific subject. Some believe that the ideal university should be a place where people can come to live and work together in harmony. Regardless of what the concept of an ideal university is, there are usually some common elements that...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

For a century, Rabindranath Tagore's ideas have shaped the educational system in India. His educational philosophy, which was informed by his own experiences and the demands of his period, profoundly affected many people. His ideal of a more equitable society in which everyone has access to a top-notch education may be found in many features of today's classrooms. In addition to teaching children facts and techniques, Tagore believed it was crucial to encourage their imagination and originality. He believed children should be free to learn via play and exploration rather than through more conventional means. He also promoted educating the...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

Countless people from different parts of the world have found a place to live in the world-famous city on the banks of the Thames. A house of dreams has been built, a dependence of a unique faith of laughter, tears and enthusiasm. Indians came to England long before the British Empire expanded in India. In the footsteps of many famous and world-renowned Bengali thinkers and philosophers, London has been shaped by wealth and prosperity. One of the earliest Bengali immigrants to Britain was Captain Sheikh Din Muhammad of the British East India Company, who migrated to London. He founded the...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

Throughout history, how psychological globalisation is encountered and comprehended has steadily evolved. Psychological globalisation has come a long way, from its origins in ancient cultures to its current status as a dominant force in modern society. The environment was considered an integral component of life and culture in ancient times. They believed the natural forces around them were intrinsically linked to their well-being. The emergence of psychological globalisation coincided with the spread of international trade and commerce, which made it possible for people from different parts of the world to interact more personally. This allowed for more open communication between...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

Have you ever stopped to think about how much of what we do and believe is based on perception? Our perceptions are shaped by our individual experiences, beliefs, values, and biases. And yet, they play a significant role in how we interact with the world around us. Perception is more than just seeing and hearing. It`s a complex process that involves attention, interpretation, and judgment. What we perceive can be influenced by our mood, motivations, past experiences, and culture. We may not be aware of it, but our perceptions often lead to biases or judgments that can cloud our thinking....
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

When I was studying in secondary school, Sanskrit was included in the syllabus in class VIII. Now, Sanskrit is no longer taught in Bangladesh. Only two universities have a minimal teaching facility, like a museum. Many of this generation do not know that Sanskrit is probably the second oldest language in the world, which is still spoken in many countries. Like Coptic today, Sanskrit is primarily used in religious texts and Hindu ceremonies. Sanskrit is considered an ancient language in Hinduism, where it was initially used as a medium of communication and conversation by the Hindu celestial deities and then...
Posted On 06 Oct, 2023

সময়ের হাত ধরে জীবন এগিয়ে চলে সামনের দিকে। এ চলার পথে নানা প্রতিকূলতার বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করতে হয়, কখনো বা কেউ সে লড়াইয়ে পরাজিত সৈনিকের মতো লুটিয়ে পড়ে, কেউবা আবার অমীয় শক্তি আর উদ্দীপনায় সেই সব বাঁধাকে অতিক্রম করে বিজয়ের মুকুটে আসীন হয়। দুঃখ-বেদনা, হাসি-কান্নার পথ চলায় টেমস তীরের নগর কাব্যের বাংলাদেশীরা সেই কাব্যেরই চরিত্র। একটা সময় ছিলো যখন সহিংসতা এবং বর্নবাদে মাথাচাড়া দিয়ে উঠেছিলো লন্ডন। ফ্যাসিস্ট এবং স্কিনহেডসদের ছিলো তান্ডবতা। পূর্ব লন্ডনের বাঙালি সম্প্রদায়ের ওপর এক দশকের সহিংসতা চালিয়েছে উগ্র-বর্নবাদী শয়তানেরা। কখনো বা হাতুরীর আক্রমনে ভেঙ্গে দিতো শরীরের হাড়-পাঁজর, ধারালো ছুড়িতে রক্তাক্ত করে দিতো সারা শরীর, কেটে দিতো গলা কিংবা...
Posted On 16 Mar, 2023

জীবন এক বহতা নদী। সময়ের বিবর্তনে শুধু এগিয়ে চলা সামনের দিকে। নদী আর মানুষ যেন একই বৃন্তের দুটি কুড়ি। এগিয়ে চলাই একমাত্র কাজ। পেছনে তাকানোর কোন ফুরসৎ নেই। ভাববার সময় নেই। সময় যে সীমিত। অন্ততঃ মানুষ প্রজাতীর জন্য। প্রতিটি নদীই কালের জীবন্ত সাক্ষী। এর নিজস্ব অনন্য যাত্রা যা ইতিহাসের হাত ধরে এগিয়ে চলেছে অনন্তকাল ধরে এবং চলতে থাকবে আরো বহুযুগ। প্রতিটি নদীরই রয়েছে নিজস্ব একটি গল্প যা প্রায়শই এই সুন্দর পৃথিবীর মৃত্তিকা মায়ের বুকে অপার মহিমায় হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে এঁকে বেঁকে সর্পিলাকারে চলার অভিজ্ঞতায় পূর্ন। সময়ের সাথে সাথে লক্ষ মানুষ আর প্রজাতীর হাসি-কান্না-আনন্দ বেদনা, সুখ-দুঃখ আর উন্মাদ উচ্ছ্বাসের সাথে মিথস্ক্রিয়ার ইতিহাসে...
Posted On 16 Mar, 2023

The concept of dialectical contradiction has been around for a long time in education. This concept is based on the idea that learning is a process of progression and change in which ideas evolve as they are challenged and debated by various points of view. It is about recognising that two seemingly opposing viewpoints can be complementary and essential to one another when the context in which they were formed is considered. Education should strive to foster an environment where all points of view are respected while also allowing for open dialogue between those with opposing views. The use of...
Posted On 16 Mar, 2023

Self-reflection is an essential aspect of teaching and learning. It allows teachers to take a step back and assess their own practices while giving students time to reflect on their own experiences to grow as learners. By self-reflection, teachers and students can become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses, leading to meaningful change in the classroom environment. Teachers who engage in self-reflection can examine their current practices, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary changes that will positively impact student achievement. For example, suppose a teacher notices that certain types of instruction do not influence student engagement or academic...
Posted On 16 Mar, 2023

It is typical to hear people discuss the value of humility in various facets of life. The importance of humility in higher education is frequently neglected, even though it is crucial to the success of both students and institutions. Humility is a quality that helps people to realise their limitations while also being open to learning from others. Humility, in particular, has grown in importance in academia as a means of encouraging collaboration and cooperation among various academic institutions, departments, and individuals. Higher education is essential to human development, and it is critical to nurture a humble attitude when pursuing...
Posted On 28 Jan, 2023

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on education. With schools and universities worldwide forced to close their doors, educators have had to rapidly adapt to a new reality: teaching in a hybrid classroom. A hybrid classroom is one where some students are present in the physical classroom while others participate remotely. This can be done in a variety of ways. Still, it commonly involves using video conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams, Blackboard collaborates or Google Meet to connect with students learning from home. While the hybrid model has its advantages, it allows...
Posted On 07 Jan, 2023

Fast-food culture is rapidly spreading in Bangladesh. With many burger joints and pizza parlours, the country is becoming a haven for international fast-food chains. While some may see this as a positive development, others are concerned that it will deteriorate traditional Bangladeshi culture. Globally, the fast-food industry is expanding. The global fast-food market was estimated to be worth $570 billion in 2017 and is expected to grow to $821 billion by 2030. This expansion is being fuelled in part by rising demand for convenience and affordability. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) was the first fast food chain in Bangladesh, opening in...
Posted On 07 Jan, 2023

Elegant and tasteful fashion reflects a person's behaviour, attitude, and personality. For me, any outfit is a form of self-expression in which one's personality and aesthetic character are revealed. Clothing reveals a person's moral character. That does not imply that we are acting morally. A person's confidence is enhanced by wearing a well-fitting dress. Many people wear expensive, flashy, and varying degrees of hippy-type clothing, but the impression of humility, gentleness, and delicate beauty remains. Everyone should have a good sense of fashion. Dress should be in tune with one's surroundings, existence, mood, attitude, or sense of beauty because the...
Posted On 07 Jan, 2023

There is no denying the importance of world university rankings. Students, parents, and educators widely use them to compare institutions of higher learning. The most well-known and influential ranking system is the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, published annually by a British magazine. The world university ranking system is a controversial topic among academic staff. Some believe it is an accurate measure of a university's quality, while others believe it is biased and flawed. There is a great deal of debate surrounding academic staff's role in the world university ranking system. Some believe that academic staff are solely responsible...
Posted On 30 Nov, 2022

The world university ranking is essential for prospective students choosing which institution to attend. The ranking provides a way to compare institutions on a global scale and make an informed decision about where to pursue one's education. There are many benefits to attending a top-ranked university, such as access to better resources, opportunities to network with other high-achieving students, and increased chances of getting into top graduate programs. A strong university ranking can also be a source of pride for alumni and the institution itself. Therefore, university rankings play an increasingly important role in the decision-making process for both students...
Posted On 30 Nov, 2022

They say a smile is worth a thousand words. But in my opinion, a smile is worth even more than that. A smile is the only thing in this world that`s free. It does not cost anything to smile at someone, and yet the impact it has on that person, and on the world around us, is immeasurable. Think about the last time you were having an awful day. Maybe you got stuck in traffic, or your boss was being extra demanding. Whatever the case may be, we have all been there. Now think about the moment when someone you...
Posted On 01 Nov, 2022

Self-compassion is one of our most potent resources for handling our feelings and enhancing our health. When we can be kind and understanding towards ourselves, even amid challenging circumstances, we open the door to greater resilience, happiness, and peace of mind. Self-compassion also allows us to let go of perfectionism and unhealthy comparisons. Instead of beating ourselves up for falling short, we can learn to accept our imperfections and work towards making positive changes in our lives. Practising self-compassion can be life-changing. It helps us to feel more connected, supported, and empowered. It paves the way for a more meaningful...
Posted On 19 Oct, 2022

Many have compared the unprecedented US-led Western sanctions against Russia to a genocidal economic weapon that has never been used in this way against any other country. This is a complex plot to destroy the entire nation, including the Russian economy, on a social and political level. The Ukraine crisis is merely the catalyst for what has become the greatest catastrophic European disaster in history. Any embargo is a double-edged sword, harming Russia while also jeopardising the embargoed nation. However, Western sanction seems to me that a canal was dug, and a crocodile was introduced. In reality, Westerners are caught...
Posted On 10 Oct, 2022

The Ukraine conflict has wreaked havoc on Europe and other countries’ economies. Sanctions imposed on Russia have backfired, resulting in high inflation, skyrocketing prices, and negative economic growth. The sanctions have not significantly impacted Russia as projected by Western countries. In addition, the war has resulted in a massive influx of refugees into Europe. The European Union's inability to handle the refugee crisis has resulted in the rise of right-wing parties in Europe. The conflict in Ukraine has also harmed relations between Russia and the West. Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, the West has been chastised for its...
Posted On 10 Oct, 2022

  This dreadful news profoundly grieves me. A friend of mine posted this to his Facebook page with a brief but poignant comment. Late in June, Sadat committed suicide at his home. For the greater welfare of humanity, an outstanding university student dedicated to social justice wanted to bring about reforms that would make the country a more secure and fair place to live. The world, however, is extremely nasty, harsh, and ruthless. A changeling and combatant lost his match. His demise was observed by a world that has now been forgotten, without any movement. His morality defeated Sadat.   Sadat Mahmud was...
Posted On 10 Oct, 2022

The story of Nachiketa in the Katha Upanishad is one of the most renowned and well-known tales in Hindu mythology. The plot centres on Nachiketa, a bright, curious, and intellectual young child who seeks information from his father. His father was the sage Vajasravasa, and his mother was a celestial nymph. Nachiketa was the sole child of his parents. Nachiketa is dispatched to Yama's castle to seek answers to his inquiries regarding Death, the afterlife, the soul, and salvation. Yama was initially hesitant to answer Nachiketa's questions but ultimately offered him a long and happy life, a vast realm, beautiful...
Posted On 10 Oct, 2022

The noble cry of revolution and the growth of ideas that have more impact on this article on the Ubuntu philosophy in education have left me both humbled and honoured. All my work and study within the educational community of the socio-pedagogical system have led me to this point. It challenges us in countless possible ways. What you know, your information, is what you know, but it is also a transformation, a new form of matter and energy. Education is crucial for both personal and societal development. The great thinkers and their progressive concepts must thus be understood by all...
Posted On 10 Oct, 2022

Western hegemony and liberal policy have contributed to widespread issues worldwide, as I detailed in my earlier piece on this subject. This piece is a follow-up to a previous one. It maintains that, despite its potential benefits to society and humanity, Western liberalism has been a net negative since the fall of the Soviet Union. Liberty, progress, individualism, and equality are all tenets of Western liberalism as a political theory. This liberalism originated in the Enlightenment era of the Western world, around the year 1800. Liberalism in the West was shaped by theorists like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who...
Posted On 05 Oct, 2022

The current crisis in Ukraine is a prime illustration of the devastating outcomes that might emerge from implementing neoliberal policies. When a government adopts neoliberalism as its economic policy, it creates a favourable climate in which multinational firms and foreign financial institutions can establish operations and gain influence in the economy. In this post, I will use the present crisis in Ukraine to argue that so-called Western liberalism is often a delusion that contributes to a rise in social disparity and political discontent. Libertarianism's hidden secrets and true philosophy are being disclosed in the wake of numerous disasters around the...
Posted On 05 Oct, 2022

But not every single one. However, there is no denying that a significant number of people today offer their time to assist those who are less fortunate just for the purpose of gaining fame. They take out their smartphones, take a photo with people less fortunate, and then post it on social media, where they wait to see how many likes and compliments they receive. This is the first and most essential thing that they do before they do anything to help others who are less fortunate. It seems like we have gotten ourselves into a difficult predicament. The individual...
Posted On 12 Sep, 2022

I try to accomplish something worthwhile every day, but I frequently run into difficulties. I have noticed that people are becoming less interested in intellectual pursuits. Media commentators and social media analysts have noticed that people prefer to spend their time on social media discussing less serious issues of life, society, and humanity. I fully understand that life is not always about living on complex issues; we also need social connections, lazy time, or simple topics to discuss to bring social happiness or fulfill individual social interests. But we must have a balance of lighter and heavier topics for greater...
Posted On 06 Apr, 2022

The silk industry in Bangladesh is suffering as a result of a harsh and competitive worldwide marketplace. Despite favourable agro-climatic conditions, the Bangladesh Silk Industry produces less silk than its counterparts in India and other nations. Bengal Silk was a well-known fabric in Asia and throughout the rest of the world. However, due to heavy competition from Asia and Europe, the market is becoming increasingly limited, production is falling, and the sector has suffered a significant decrease in the 1990s and 2000s. Recently I have written in connection to the Rajshahi Silk Industry. Revitalise the Bangladesh Silk Industry," which was published...
Posted On 30 Mar, 2022

In my most recent piece, "Revitalize the Bangladesh Silk Industry," which was published on the 14th of November 2021 in Bangladesh today, I stated that the silk industry in Bangladesh is in a difficult position due to an extremely competitive global market. Despite a long history of silk manufacturing and export, Bangladesh is not a household name in the industry anymore. However, while there are challenges, there are also opportunities. Industry must understand the challenges and respond appropriately with innovative approaches. Understanding the current challenges, I have stated that it is time for industry to take appropriate measures to revitalise...
Posted On 30 Mar, 2022

The silk industry in Bangladesh is facing difficult times due to a severe and highly competitive worldwide market.  Despite a long history in sericulture, Bangladesh is not a household name in silk production or export. Although, a favourable agro-climate conditions exist, but Bangladesh Silk Industry produces a little amount of silk products compared to India and other nations. Throughout Asia, Bengal Silk was a popular fabric. It was known as Ganges silk as early as the 13th century and was well known in many European countries. However, Bengal silk had been pushed out of South Asian markets by the early...
Posted On 30 Mar, 2022

Anyone interested in understanding the factors that contribute to the creation and maintenance of a dynamic economy would do well to recognize the importance of entrepreneurship and research and development (R&D). There is a growing recognition of the importance of entrepreneurship in economic development, not least because it is one of the most important determinants of national growth and development. There is a direct link between countries that promote the entrepreneurial spirit and their ability to combat high levels of unemployment and underemployment. Furthermore, by encouraging entrepreneurial activity across all sectors, countries can help diversify their economies. We are now in...
Posted On 30 Mar, 2022

What is true happiness, and what drives us to live happily on this earth? Lately, this question has been revolving in my mind. There was no way I could get it off my head. There was a lot of reading about this, from Indian philosophy to Tolstoy, including Greek philosophy. It is like firing a cannon to kill a fly. I recently read the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" written by a Hungarian psychologist Mihali Sikzentmihali in 1990 with great attention. The author of the book, like me, posed a simple question. We need most to make our...
Posted On 08 Feb, 2022

I was taken aback as I listened to the stories of a very capable, young, and bright boy who is only 17 years old. As a teacher, I am constantly communicating with my students. During my recent visit to Bangladesh, I had the opportunity to engage in a number of conversations with some bright young minds who were either school or university students. In one particular instance, the student expressed his dissatisfaction with his tutor's feedback, and he even broke down and sobbed several times when he realised, he was worthless and had no aspirations. His tutor provided him with...
Posted On 08 Feb, 2022

This is not meant to be a criticism of the monumental endeavour that Bangladesh's present administration has undertaken. We must all acknowledge the development, progress, and economic growth over the last decade. The country is making enormous progress in all aspects of our lives, particularly those that can be measured in monetary terms. I don't particularly appreciate making negative or unconstructive criticism, and constructive criticism is always welcome. On the other hand, progress and growth should be accessible to the general public, and the people should be a part of this success. A few people's accomplishments should not be considered...
Posted On 18 Dec, 2021

Whether traversing deserts, oceans or even our great cities, there is a need for navigational aids to ensure that we increase the likelihood of reaching our chosen destination. In an increasingly complex world, those individuals who find themself in or aspire to leadership roles must appreciate the vital means by which one can avoid potential hazards to face challenges and dangers when they arise. Authentic leadership sees individuals and institutions focus on responsibility rather than power. Leaders with a strong educational background strive to improve and make beneficial societal improvements. By having a more apparent appreciation of stakeholder's leaders are...
Posted On 23 Sep, 2021

When we say the role of intellectuals in modern society, it is not so easy to define; instead, it is a most complicated one. However, in today’s rapidly hegemonic and unequal contemporary society, intellectuals’ critical and profound impact is indisputable.  These wise individuals have diverse knowledge, deep understanding & wisdom. They have the power to steer positive societal values and attitudes. Therefore, they are influential. Intellectuals are those with diverse wisdom, foresight, and unbiased insights with a forward-looking vision. They can foster societal progress and prosperity and always act to awaken society by changing their beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. They have...
Posted On 03 Sep, 2021

I cannot remember when I read last time an engaging, intellectually stimulating book in Bengali. While I still read books in Bengali but am limited to a specific genre and, of course, books in my profession. As an educator, I regularly read as it is part of my everyday life. Professional reading is essential to growing with confidence. Such reading is also an option for professional development that enhances our knowledge and skill base in classroom practices. Nowadays it seems people are not interested in serious reading. Life is becoming too superficial. What is challenging to attain people appears to...
Posted On 24 Aug, 2021

Ensuring that we live in a world that values all citizens is very much a work in progress. There is often talk of human rights, but we must not forget the prevalence of human wrongs. In most of the world, women are often disadvantaged, even actively discriminated against. So, we would do better to reflect on the importance of women’s empowerment and that as citizens, women can contribute in various ways, with entrepreneurial activity just one example of how they can help empower themselves, assist their families and contribute to the broader economy. A nation that values all its citizens...
Posted On 23 Jul, 2021

Human relationships are bedevilled by jealousy and resentment, much of this stemming from the fact that people rarely accept their lot in life and covet the lives and possessions of others. Central to achieving deep inner contentment is the ability to accept situations with equanimity. Far from merely being resigned to things, we must face adversity and good fortune with the same spirit, one where we dare to accept the fruits of our action or inaction. We must challenge ourselves to know more about ourselves and appreciate the impermanence of much of what humans traditionally hold dear. We must accept...
Posted On 06 Jul, 2021

I know that I am not alone in being aghast at some of the scenes that have emerged on television over the last few weeks with the state election in West Bengal.  Politics is not in my domain, and I do not follow any political debates. However, many of my work colleagues and social associates have their vested interest in some form or shape in India, particularly West Bengal. They talked about politics, mono-culturalism, multi-culturalism, secularism and political dynamism in West Bengal. I am not a political critic. But as a member of the public, I have a social duty...
Posted On 21 Jun, 2021

The perpetual aim of education is to provide moral education that makes people competent & virtuous. Recently, I have written about the end goal of education is character. The return of character education is attributable due to the current societal crisis throughout the world. We witness a disturbing trend in society, including alarming rates of drug abuse, crimes, teenage pregnancy, social violence, suicides, disjointed family structure, lack of social values, racial conflicts, problems with the children's disciplines, and the list goes on. It seems this becomes a natural social phenomenon in the era of rapid industrialisation and globalisation. While some of...
Posted On 01 May, 2021

The overriding prominence of any education system invigorates learners to become more independent, curious, open-minded, and think outside the box. The Educational Institutions should seek to create and maintain a community of learners, qualified for the rigorous academic, professional, and civic demands of the programme and rich in experience and diversity. Educators and Institutions should ensure that the learning environment is conducive to independent thought and is a place where learners are actively encouraged to question, formulate ideas and express themselves confidently. We should not forget that the end of education is the character of learners. We always talk about the...
Posted On 24 Apr, 2021

Bangladesh has a great cultural history deeply influenced by the topography in which it sits and the influence & interaction of faiths down the centuries. The people of Bangladesh always showed great respect, tolerance, and free-thinking attitudes to each other's irrespective of beliefs, race, and communal identities. We all lived together, fought together, and prayed together during the years of many national crises. Sadly, in recent months, Bangladesh has witnessed some of the worst communal violence. Dozens, possibly hundreds of homes, have been ransacked, and heinous crimes including rape and murder perpetrated by Bangladeshis against Bangladeshis. Though tragically, such violence,...
Posted On 26 Mar, 2021

The most fundamental contribution of education is to enable people to better themselves to engage themselves in socially productive tasks to build a stronger nation economically and otherwise. The assumption is that at the end of an academic programme, the learners, i.e., the students, would acquire capabilities that, in turn, would add to the competitive advantage of their respective countries through technological and also non-technological means. This fits well in an input-output model in which the inputs are the students. They are also the outputs but having gone through a transformation system, i.e., an educational process that makes them professionally...
Posted On 26 Mar, 2021

What is real happiness, and what leads us to live in this world? A Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote a book entitled Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience in 1990 raised a salient question about what makes life worth living and what leads to happiness. He discussed the nature of flow- a physical and mental state when an individual becomes oblivious of the universe as the person is fully engaged and focused on the job at hand. According to Csikszentmihalyi, there is a time when individuals feel a sense of ownership, peace in mind, a sense of euphoria or delight,...
Posted On 26 Mar, 2021

To ensure continued economic growth and development, creating and maintaining an environment of competitiveness are essential. Central to this is the institution of education or, for that matter, higher education that provides economic empowerment. For this to happen, education providers must appreciate that market forces drive a buyer-seller phenomenon just like in any other business. Educational Institutions need to have an optimisation focus on customer satisfaction and customer relationship. In other words, ‘quality’ must be inherent in the system. The buyers, i.e., the prospective students, must have this ‘assurance’. This assurance is a continuous process that is audited and evaluated...
Posted On 26 Mar, 2021

We are living in an era of rapid changes in which customers behavioural patterns are changing continuously. The various market stimuli influence customers' expectations, and merely increasing customer satisfaction is no longer a viable option for retailers to ensure business success. Customers no longer want to be treated as a mere customer; instead, they would like to be valued, engaged, respected, appreciated, and feel important in the business environment's realm, being a main stakeholder's group. Therefore, they want to be delighted not merely satisfied. Suppose you can go beyond satisfaction, generate something new, a unique USP or create an extraordinary...
Posted On 16 Feb, 2021

An excellent education system is imperative and considered as the precursor of societal progress. It helps develop an individual's morality, think beyond their thinking, and hopefully act ethically, identify what is wrong and what is good, and recognise the consequences of their actions in society. It helps citizens make better decisions equipped with knowledge and discernment, which over time can lead to wisdom. It aids in the development of creative and innovative minds, which in turn prove to be crucial to building a society that is healthy and responsible. A significant requirement to take society along this route is to...
Posted On 08 Jan, 2021

A Couple of years back I was invited to attend an International Conference in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta), India hosted jointly by two very prestigious Indian Institutions on the theme “Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA world.” I was excited and felt a deep sense of joy to accept this invitation to attend as a keynote speaker for two reasons: The theme of the conference was very close to my heart as I always felt that uncertainties are the father of innovation, understanding dynamics of business uncertainties is the core to success. Secondly, the city of Kolkata. A fascinating &...
Posted On 05 Jul, 2020

As the COVID-19 emergency has unfolded disturbing footage has emerged across social media of the sick, dead, and dying being abandoned, sometimes in the streets. People with the illness have been shunned and ostracised, family members attached with stones and driven out of their community and others abused claiming that they have the disease because they are cursed by God. With the Coronavirus, the simple truth is that anyone can catch it and that anyone can spread it. What matters now is our response to the Pandemic. Firstly, it is important that we behave rationally and proportionately. Of course there...
Posted On 28 Jun, 2020

These are extraordinary times; indeed, they are unprecedented times, certainly in the experience of those born since the Second World War.  The global COVID-19 pandemic has touched virtually every part of the world and has caused untold misery and suffering. Millions of lives have been disrupted and thanks to various national lockdowns and due to travel restrictions, we have found ourselves spending a lot more time at home, often with those we hold dear. Out of the gloom has come the light of realisation, a dawning of what really matters, whether this be family and friends, some of whom we...
Posted On 26 Jun, 2020

Recently Bangladesh has witnessed some of the worst communal violence. Dozens, possibly hundreds of homes have been ransacked and heinous crimes including rape and murder perpetrated by Bangladeshis against Bangladeshis. Though tragically such violence, especially against minority communities is not new, the scale of recent attacks should give cause for alarm, especially as it raises serious question about the country’s will and ability to protect its own citizens. Given the fact that Bangladesh Awami League, the Party under whose leadership our country achieved the independence established an independent state on the basis of the high ideals of nationalism, democracy and...
Posted On 25 Jun, 2020

Developing detailed profiles of customers, their buying patterns, and hence their needs, and lifestyles – is to serve the customer better and make sure that their expectations are fulfilled. Retailing thrives with urbanisation, but this must be supported by purchasing power and also, very importantly, urban lifestyle. With a high density of population in cities and towns, the basic requirement of supermarket success is served by the number of customers that will flock to their doors. Given the sheer volume of customers in supermarkets, it is naturally difficult to keep track of shoppers. Under the burden of cut-throat competition, most...
Posted On 24 Jun, 2020

I vividly recall four years ago today walking round to my youngest son’s junior school to vote in the Referendum about whether the UK should stay in or leave the EU. It was raining that day, but that did not dampen my spirits, or those of millions of others who felt that it was their civic and democratic duty to vote. Polling stations up and down the land did a brisk trade that day and I recall how positive I felt about voting in favour of Brexit. I always knew that it was going to be a challenge, but you...
Posted On 23 Jun, 2020

Superstore retailing is on the rise and booming in Bangladesh and have become the dominant destination for grocery shopping, especially those from a middle and upper-class background. Although the culture of superstores in Bangladesh is a relatively recent phenomenon, the first store opened in 2002 by Agora, within this short pace of time shoppers now expect superstore retailing to be organised around shoppers lives rather than their own terms. A more convenient way to shop has become the norm. Population statistics are very important for a marketer to understand and thereby keep track of the changing age profile. It is understood...
Posted On 20 Jun, 2020

Such is the nature of the whole sorry Brexit Saga that the British public have become accustomed to being let down by the Establishment. 29th March 2019 was meant to be the day when the UK left the EU, but unsurprisingly events have been engineered in such a manner that this deadline has been missed. The Houses of Parliament which for decades took little or no interest in the EU and EU legislation now obsesses about the EU without really knowing what it wants. The slavish devotion to the EU of the likes of the Scottish Nationalist Party seems particularly...
Posted On 30 Mar, 2019

Bangladesh, like a number of South Asian countries, is one that has a rich cultural history, one that has been deeply influenced by the landscape in which it sits and the influence and interaction of faiths down the centuries. In common with its neighbours, it witnessed the rise and fall of empires, with the Mughal and British Empires each leaving an indelible mark on this remarkably fertile land. Both Hinduism and Islam have shaped outlooks and cultural norms, with the country strongly influenced by the tastes and habits of its Indian neighbour, whilst at the same time eager to forge...
Posted On 28 Mar, 2019

Few words in recent years have become as emotive as ‘Brexit’. For some The UK’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) is a matter of tremendous regret, for others a life affirming decision that should see Britain regain its sovereignty and be able to chart its own future. Certainly, the 2016 Brexit Referendum was a powerful exercise in democracy, one which has engaged communities and to some extend polarised them like no other issue for decades. In 2016 a majority of Britons voted for a path that will see the UK less focused on the EU and more likely...
Posted On 17 Mar, 2019

It seems incredible to think that not so very long ago it was near impossible to enjoy the delights of the Mughlai Biryani, Mator Paneer and Prawn Saag in the UK. Culinary choices were decidedly limited, and for many Britons the food we ate was as unremarkable as it was occasionally bland. This is not to decry traditional British food, or the rich array of fresh ingredients available in these islands, it was just that mainstream food seemed to be in a rut. Hence the enthusiasm and indeed affection that the British have for South Asian food. The rich and...
Posted On 08 Dec, 2018

Over the past decade, the story of the Bangladesh retail industry has been nothing less than a revolution shaped and developed by high quality service provisions, world class design and sizeable local and international investment. Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world with average growth rate of over 6.2% for the past decade, it is the 46th largest economy in 2016 (WB) in terms of GDP and 33rd largest economy in terms of PPP, with over 226bn $ total GDP in1016 and with only less than a 4.1% unemployment rate in 2016 making this country very...
Posted On 21 Oct, 2018

To adapt an old American saying; ‘You can take a Bangladeshi out of Bangladesh, but you can’t take Bangladesh out of a Bangladeshi’. Culture, along with cultural attitudes and norms play a prominent role, so much so that they not only shape leadership and management attitudes but frame the behaviour of existing and potential customers. Both foreign and local businesses need to be mindful of local attitudes, and for all the appetite in certain quarters for new ways of doing things, offerings need to be adapted to take cognizance of local expectations and sensitivities. Whilst the average Bangladeshi may not...
Posted On 01 Oct, 2018